Testimonials and Case Studies

Hynotherapy with Joy Stanley – my experience

I can honestly say I cannot believe the difference my one single session has made. 

I have suffered from anxiety from the age of 18 and finally at the age of 47, it’s over. Thanks to Joy helping me through hypnotherapy.

I must admit, I was a little sceptical to say the least and decided I had very little to lose, as my anxiety and stress levels have affected my wellbeing and also my health, to even a physical point with a condition that affects 1 in 100,000 at the age it started.

A stressful divorce, a load of self doubt, a high stress job and choosing and trusting the wrong partners over the last 7 years who saw my vulnerability coupled with their actions subsequently culminated in me waking with panic attacks most mornings, nightmares when I was asleep and worst of all massive anxiety when I was required to be at gatherings of people I don’t know (or sometimes even if I did know them!). Most of all travelling, which would consist of me driving an hour to the airport, catching a flight and then getting a train to the meeting venue. This latter issue would absolutely crucify my mind and anxiety took me into its cruel grip so hard I almost wouldn’t sleep for 4 – 5 nights prior to the journey. And there was no real good reason apart from my imagination running riot and my self-doubt telling me a multitude of issues and problems would arise from leaving my safe haven of home to my final destination. Such as what happens if the car breaks down, a rabbit/dog/cat runs out in front of my car (will I crash?), someone else’s bad driving resulting in me having an accident, no parking space at the airport or being unable to park if there was a space available, missing the flight, not waking up on time for early morning travel, what if I got lost in London (or wherever) on the train/tube, what if I got mugged? This may all sounds very far-fetched however if you can relate to any of this, I assure you, in my experience it was a living nightmare. 

I should add, I am known and seen as a fun, happy, outgoing and confident person personally and professionally, I have no logical reasons for all these feelings to have been affecting me – this makes it even more of a conundrum, hence my slight hesitation for the session, unless it was a form of PTSD from a VERY bad experience with my ex-partner, I really can’t say. But after a chat with Joy, I went ahead with the Hypnotherapy. IT HAS TOTALLY CHANGED MY LIFE.

Shortly after the session with Joy, I had to drive in a city centre (another massive trigger for me) and I was cool calm and collected, no fears. All went swimmingly. I then, about 2 weeks later had to make a previously much dreaded and feared work trip, this included a drive to the airport, a flight, 4 trains too and that was just to arrive at my destination!  I didn’t even think about all the things as above that would have previously haunted me and made me feel so much fear. It went brilliantly.  I even found myself looking forward to it  2 days earlier! 

Joy, I can’t recommend you enough. Totally life changing. 100% recommend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  

Sarah N

IBS and Anxiety Case Study:

Anna suffered terribly with the symptoms of IBS and also had anxiety issues.   Using hypnotherapy helped Anna in just one session.

'Highly recommend you Joy. Having had 1 session with you my issue has improved so much. Thank you x '

Smoking Cessation Case Study:

Nic wasn't a full time smoker, but wanted to quit the social smoking and stress smoking.  Nic had been through an intense time with family relationships and was struggling to deal with the mental issues this left her with.  One session of hypnotherapy was carried out with Nic.

"When Joy offered to do our session via Zoom I was not sure if it would work but it did. A simple ,safe process which not only stopped my smoking craving but also led to a sustained sense of inner peace. I would recommend Joy's hypnotherapy".  Nic

Transformational Life Coaching  Case Study:

Paul was having difficulty coming to terms with a break up and was feeling very low.  Transformational life coaching helped him deal with overthinking, and was able to put things into perspective.   All change comes from within, and this programme enables that change to happen within the sub-conscious mind.  The insights Paul had were, simply put, his own insights - he just had to be opened up to them.

I wanted to say thank you so much for offering such a wonderful service. Your sessions are great and  I really value the time we've spent together and the progress you've helped me make in my life. I was offered a real insight into where I was wasting energy and giving too much time to negative thoughts or people whilst neglecting my own needs. 

These sessions came at the most challenging time of my life and guided me to look deep within myself and give me the strength and courage and focus to push forward with a new chapter.  

Thank you so much".


Joy Stanley is an accredited Life Coach; Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner.  

 Committed to helping you change your relationship with your thoughts  to help you be your    'best self'