Hypnotherapy can help with : -
Confidence Issues, e.g. public speaking
Quitting smoking
Chronic pain
Losing Weight or Eating Disorders
Phobias and Fears
Lack of self-esteem
Skin problems e.g. psoriasis, eczema, blushing
Unwanted Habits
...and so much more
Fast, effective and safe
What is getting in the way of your enjoyment of life - maybe a fear that literally stops you living because it's so restrictive?
Or a habit that you want to quit but just can't and therefore it dents your confidence?
My method of hypnotherapy doesn't replace one thing for another e.g. stop smoking and end up eating more to compensate.
It literally tackles the issue head on with no need to compensate one thing for another.
"When Joy offered to do our session via Zoom I was not sure if it would work but it did. A simple ,safe process which not only helped my smoking craving but also led to a sustained sense of inner peace. I would recommend Joy's hypnotherapy". Nic
Highly recommend you Joy. Having had 1 session with you my issue has improved so much. Thank you x Anna